Never leave success up to chance

Upgrade to world-class support with InPlayer Support-as-a-Service

Support is a key success factor for any business

A great support experience is one of the most important metrics for any subscription or LIVE event business! An American Express survey found that a staggering 78% of consumers have backed out of a transaction or failed to make an intended purchase because of sub-par customer service.

Reduces churn

A happy customer will stay with you for much longer. Customer retention is far less expensive than customer acquisition.

Fewer overall problems

By treating your customers like kings you decrease the number of problems your business encounters that are created just out of spite.

Impacts conversion rates

Make sure all the hard earned traffic is converted into a customer.

It’s how you are remembered

Excellent customer service improves your public persona and strengthens your brand. Gratitude is often repaid with a great review.

Your new support team

We’ve got an exceptionally dedicated support team with years of experience in running high volume LIVE events…

… and now they can be your support team too!


We can cover any language you need.

Speedy reactions

Most questions are answered in 3-5 minutes.

Multi-channel communications

We can cover your email, phone, social media, chat, Slack, Skype, screen-sharing sessions…

Always ready

Our team is online 24/7 to support events in any time zone.

At the level you need

We’ll architect your agreement with the right amount of support for your business.

1st line

We’re the first filter that takes care of sorting all enquiries, replying to everything except questions related to your content library and availability.

1st line +

Single point of contact for an improved experience.

Specially trained forces that know your services like the back of their hands.

2nd line

You keep point of contact with the user. We help you with the advanced technical issues.

Perfect choice if you want an excellent safety net during your paid events.

"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently."

Warren Buffett

Business magnate

… by differently we mean: let InPlayer handle support for you!

Trusted by the world’s most innovative businesses – big and small: